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Virginia Archives - American Classroom
Schools are listed alphabetically
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A G Richardson Elem
A M Davis Elem
A. Henderson Elem
A. Linwood Holton Gov. Sch.
A. R. Ware Elem
A.S. Rhodes Elem
A.W.E. Bassette Elem
Abbs Valley-Boissevain Elem
Aberdeen Elem
Abingdon Elem
Abingdon Elem
Abingdon Elem
Abingdon High
Academies Of Loudoun
Academy 360
Academy At Virginia Randolph
Academy For Discovery At Lakewood
Accawmacke Elem
Achievable Dream Academy
Achievable Dream Middle/High
Achievement Integrity And Maturity
Achilles Elem
Acquinton Elem
Adams Elem
Admiral Richard E. Byrd Middle
Adult & Career Education Ctr
Adult Education Center
Adult Learning Ctr.
Advanced Career Education Center At Hermitage
Advanced Career Education Center At Highland Springs
Advanced Technology Ctr.
Agnor-Hurt Elem
Alanton Elem
Albemarle High
Albert Harris Elem
Albert Hill Middle
Albert W. Patrick Iii Elem
Alberta Smith Elem
Alc At Bryant
Alc At Burke
Alc At Montrose
Alc At Mountain View
Aldie Elem
Aldrin Elem
Alexandria City High
Alfred S. Forrest Elem
Algonkian Elem
Alice West Fleet Elem
Alleghany High
Altavista Elem
Altavista High
Altern Ed Prgm/Behav Disord Youth/Montgomery
Alternative Education Center
Alternative Education Center
Alternative Education Ctr.
Alternative Secondary Transition Educational Program
Amelia County Elem
Amelia County High
Amelia County Middle
Amelia Street Sp. Ed.
Amelia-Nottoway Voc Ctr
Amelon Elem
Amherst County High
Amherst Elem
Amherst Middle
Andrew G. Wright Middle
Andrew Lewis Middle
Annandale High
Annandale Terrace Elem
Anne E. Moncure Elem
Anthony Burns Elem
Antietam Elem
Apple Pie Ridge Elem
Appomattox County High
Appomattox Elem
Appomattox Middle
Appomattox Primary
Appomattox Regional Gov. Sch.
Arcadia High
Arcadia Middle
Arcola Elem
Arlington Community High
Arlington Science Focus School
Arlington Traditional
Armel Elem
Armstrong Elem
Armstrong Elem
Armstrong High
Arrowhead Elem
Arthur Ashe Jr. Elem
Ashburn Elem
Ashland Elem
Ashlawn Elem
Atkins Elem
Atlee High
Auburn Elem
Auburn High
Auburn Middle
Auburn Middle
Axton Elem
Azalea Middle
B M Williams Primary
B.C. Charles Elem
B.T. Washington Middle
Back Creek Elem
Bacon District Elem
Badger Voc Ed Ctr – North
Badger Voc Ed Ctr – South
Bailey Bridge Middle
Bailey’S Elem
Bailey’S Upper Elem
Baker Elem
Baker-Butler Elem
Baldwin Elem
Baldwin Intermediate
Ball’S Bluff Elem
Banneker Elem
Barack Obama Elem
Barcroft Elem
Barrett Elem
Barron Elem
Bass-Hoover Elem
Bassett High
Bath County High
Battlefield Elem
Battlefield High
Battlefield Middle
Battlefield Park Elem
Bay View Elem
Bayside 6Th Grade Campus
Bayside Elem
Bayside High
Bayside Middle
Beaverdam Elem
Bedford County Alternative Education Center
Bedford Elem
Bedford Hills Elem
Bedford Primary
Beech Tree Elem
Bel Air Elem
Belfast Elem
Belfield Elem
Bell Creek Middle
Belle Heth Elem
Belle View Elem
Bellevue Elem
Bellwood Elem
Belmont Elem
Belmont Ridge Middle
Belmont Station Elem
Belvedere Elem
Belview Elem
Benjamin Franklin Middle
Benjamin Syms Middle
Bennett Elem
Bensley Elem
Berkeley Elem
Berkeley Glenn Elem
Berkeley Middle
Berkley/Campostella Early Childhood Center
Bessie Weller Elem
Bethel Elem
Bethel High
Bethel Manor Elem
Bettie Weaver Elem
Beulah Elem
Beverley Manor Middle
Big Island Elem
Binford Middle
Birdneck Elem
Blacksburg High
Blacksburg Middle
Blackstone Primary
Blackwell Elem
Blair Middle
Bland County Elem
Bland County High
Blue Ridge Crossroads Gov Acad For Technical Ed
Blue Ridge Elem
Blue Ridge Gov. Sch.
Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention Home
Blue Ridge Middle
Bluestone High
Bluestone Elem
Bluestone Middle
Bon Air Elem
Bonnie Brae Elem
Bonsack Elem
Booker T. Washington Elem
Booker T. Washington High
Boones Mill Elem
Boonsboro Elem
Botetourt Elem
Botetourt Tech Educ Ctr
Bowling Green Elem
Boyce Elem
Braddock Elem
Brambleton Middle
Brandon Middle
Breaking Barriers Alternative Ed/Henry Co
Breckinridge Elem
Breckinridge Middle
Bren Mar Park Elem
Brentsville District High
Briar Woods High
Bridging Communities Reg Cte Center
Bridging Communities Stem Academy
Brighton Elem
Bristow Run Elem
Broad Rock Elem
Broad Run High
Broadus Wood Elem
Broadway High
Brock Road Elem
Brooke Point High
Brookfield Elem
Brookland Middle
Brookneal Elem
Brookville High
Brookville Middle
Brookwood Elem
Brosville Elem
Brownsville Elem
Brunswick High
Bruton High
Bryant High
Buchanan County Technology Career & Higher Learning Center
Buchanan Elem
Buckingham Co Elem
Buckingham Co Pre Sch Ctr
Buckingham Co Primary
Buckingham Co. Middle
Buckingham County High
Buckland Mills Elem
Bucknell Elem
Buffalo Gap High
Buffalo Trail Elem
Buford Middle
Bull Run Ec Resource Ctr
Bull Run Elem
Bull Run Middle
Burke School
Burlington Elem
Burnley-Moran Elem
Burnt Chimney Elem
Burton Ctr. For Arts And Tech.
Bush Hill Elem
Butler Farm Campus
Butts Road Int
Butts Road Primary
Byrd Elem
C C Wells Elem
C E Curtis Elem
C. Alton Lindsay Middle
C. Hunter Ritchie Elem
C.A. Sinclair Elem
C.D. Hylton High
C.M. Bradley Elem
Callaghan Elem
Callaway Elem
Camelot Elem
Camelot Elem
Cameron Elem
Camp Allen Elem
Campbell Co Tech Ctr
Campbell Court Elem
Campbell Elem
Campus At Lee
Canterbury Woods Elem
Capron Elem
Captain John Smith Elem
Cardinal Elem
Cardinal Elem
Cardinal Forest Elem
Cardinal Ridge Elem
Carl B. Hutcherson Building
Carlin Springs Elem
Caroline High
Caroline Middle
Carroll County Ed Center
Carroll County High
Carroll County Middle
Carroll/Galax/Joy Ranch Reg Alternative Ed
Carrollton Elem
Carrsville Elem
Carson Middle
Carter G. Woodson Middle
Carver College And Career Academy
Carver Elem
Carver Elem
Carver Middle
Carysbrook Elem
Cassell Elem
Castlewood Elem
Castlewood High
Catoctin Elem
Cave Spring Elem
Cave Spring High
Cave Spring Middle
Cedar Bluff Elem
Cedar Forest Elem
Cedar Lane Elem
Cedar Lane School
Cedar Lee Middle
Cedar Point Elem
Cedar Road Elem
Center For Autism
Center For Diversified Studies
Centerville Elem
Central Academy Middle
Central Elem
Central Elem
Central Elem
Central High
Central High
Central High
Central High
Central Middle
Central St. Hosp. Ed. Pr.
Central Va. Training Ctr.
Central Virginia Gov. Sch.
Centre Ridge Elem
Centreville Elem
Centreville High
Cesar Tarrant Middle
Chamberlayne Elem
Chancellor Elem
Chancellor High
Chancellor Middle
Chantilly Governor’S Stem Academy
Chantilly High
Chantilly High School Academy
Charles Barrett Elem
Charles City Co Elem
Charles City Co High
Charles J Colgan Sr High
Charlottesville High
Charlottesville Hosp. Ep.
Charlottesville-Albemarle Tech
Chase City Elem
Chatham Elem
Chatham High
Chatham Middle
Check Elem
Cherry Run Elem
Chesapeake Bay Gov. Sch.
Chesapeake Career Center
Chesapeake Center For Student Success
Chester Early Childhood Learning Academy
Chesterbrook Elem
Chesterfield Academy Elem
Chesterfield Career & Technical Center At Hull
Chesterfield Career And Technical Center At Courthouse
Chesterfield Co Gov’S Health/Science Academy
Chesterfield Juvenile Detention Home
Chickahominy Middle
Chilhowie Elem
Chilhowie High
Chilhowie Middle
Chimborazo Elem
Chincoteague Elem
Chincoteague High
Chris Yung Elem
Christiansburg Elem
Christiansburg High
Christiansburg Middle
Christiansburg Primary
Christopher C. Kraft Elem
Christopher Farms Elem
Churchill Road Elem
Churchland Academy Elem
Churchland Elem
Churchland High
Churchland Middle
Churchland Preschool Ctr
Churchland Primary & Intermediate
Churchville Elem
Clara Byrd Baker Elem
Claremont Immersion
Clark Elem
Clarke County High
Clarksville Elem
Claude Thompson Elem
Clays Mill Elem
Clearbrook Elem
Clearview Early Learning Center
Clearview Elem
Clermont Elem
Clifton Middle
Clintwood Elem
Clover Hill Elem
Clover Hill High
Cloverdale Elem
Cluster Springs Elem
Coates Elem
Coderva Regional High
Coeburn Middle
Coeburn Primary
Cold Harbor Elem
Coleman Place Elem
Coles Elem
College Park Elem
Colonel Fred Cherry Middle
Colonial Beach Elem
Colonial Beach High
Colonial Elem
Colonial Forge High
Colonial Heights High
Colonial Heights Middle
Colonial Heights Tech Ctr
Colonial Trail Elem
Columbia Elem
Colvin Run Elem
Commonwealth Gov .Sch.
Community Based Education
Community Lab School
Concord Elem
Conway Elem
Cool Spring Elem
Cool Spring Elem
Cool Spring Elem
Cool Spring Primary
Coop Ctr For Excep Children
Cooper Middle
Cople Elem
Copper Creek Elem
Cora Kelly
Cornerstone Learning Center
Corporate Landing Elem
Corporate Landing Middle
Cosby High
Cougar Elem
Council Elem/Middle
Council High
Countryside Elem
Courthouse Academy Prgm.
Courthouse Rd Elem
Courtland Elem
Courtland High
Coventry Elem
Covington High
Covington-Harper Elem
Cradock Elem
Cradock Middle
Cradock Technical & Career Center
Craig County High
Craigsville Elem
Crater Juvenile Detention Home
Creeds Elem
Creekside Elem
Creighton’S Corner Elem
Crestview Elem
Crestwood Elem
Crestwood Elem
Crestwood Intermediate
Crestwood Middle
Crewe Primary
Crittenden Middle
Critzer Elem
Crossfield Elem
Crossroads Alternative/Bristol City
Crossroads Elem
Crozet Elem
Crystal Spring Elem
Cub Run Elem
Cub Run Elem
Culpeper County High
Culpeper Middle
Cumberland Elem
Cumberland High
Cumberland Middle
Cunningham Park Elem
D G Cooley Elem
D.J. Montague Elem
Dale City Elem
Damascus Middle
Dan River High
Dan River Middle
Daniel Morgan Intermediate
Daniel Morgan Middle
Daniels Run Elem
Dare Elem
David A. Dutrow Elem
David A. Harrison Elem
Davis Career Center
Davis Elem
Day Treatment Program
Dearington Elem/Innovation
Deep Creek Central Elem
Deep Creek Elem
Deep Creek High
Deep Creek Middle
Deep Run High
Deer Park Elem
Deer Park Elem
Denbigh Early Childhood Center
Denbigh High
Diamond Springs Elem
Dinwiddie Elem
Dinwiddie High
Dinwiddie Middle
Discovery Elem
Discovery Elem
Discovery Stem Academy
Dogwood Elem
Dominion High
Dominion Trail Elem
Donahoe Elem
Donald B. Dixon-Lyle R. Smith Middle
Dorothy Hamm Middle
Douglas Macarthur Elem
Douglass Park Elem
Dr. Charles R. Drew Elem
Dranesville Elem
Drewry Mason Elem
Dryden Elem
Dublin Elem
Dudley Elem
Dudley Primary
Duffield-Pattonsville Primary
Dumbarton Elem
Dumfries Elem
Dungannon Intermediate
Dunn Loring Ec Resource Ctr
Dupont Elem
E. A. Gibson Elem
E. Wilson Morrison Elem
E.B. Stanley Middle
E.C. Glass High
E.H. Marsteller Middle
Eagle Ridge Middle
Eagle Rock Elem
Eagle View Elem
Early Childhood Center
East Rockingham High
East Salem Elem
Eastern Combined
Eastern Montgomery Elem
Eastern Montgomery High
Eastern St. Hosp. Ed. Prg
Eastern View High
Easton Preschool
Eastside High
Echo Lake Elem
Ecoff Elem
Edgemont Primary
Edison High
Edison High School Academy
Edward E. Drew Jr. Middle
Edward G Clymore Elem
Edward W Wyatt Middle
Edwin W Chittum Elem
Elaine E. Thompson Elem
Elephant’S Fork Elem
Elizabeth D. Redd Elem
Elizabeth Davis Middle
Elizabeth Scott Elem
Elizabeth Vaughan Elem
Elk Knob Elem
Elko Middle
Elkton Elem
Elkton Middle
Ella J. Fitzgerald Middle
Elmont Elem
Elon Elem
Elydale Middle
Emerald Hill Elem
Emerick Elem
Empowerment Academy
Enderly Heights Elem
Enon Elem
Enterprise Academy/Newport News City
Enterprise Elem
Ervinton Elem
Essex High
Ethel M. Gildersleeve Middle
Ettrick Elem
Eunice Kennedy Shriver Program
Eureka Elem
Evendale Elem
Evening School Of Excellence
Evergreen Elem
Evergreen Mill Elem
Fair Oaks Elem
Fairfax County Adult High
Fairfax High
Fairfax High School Academy
Fairfax Juvenile Detention Home
Fairfax Villa Elem
Fairfield Court Elem
Fairfield Elem
Fairfield Elem
Fairfield Middle
Fairhill Elem
Fairview Elem
Fairview Elem
Fairview Elem
Falling Branch Elem
Falling Creek Elem
Falling Creek Middle
Fallon Park Elem
Falls Church Governor’S Health Sciences Academy
Falls Church High
Falls Church High School Academy
Falmouth Elem
Fancy Gap Elem
Fannie W. Fitzgerald Elem
Farmington Elem
Farmwell Station Middle
Fauquier High
Featherstone Elem
Ferdinand T. Day Elem
Ferrum Elem
Ferry Farm Elem
Fieldale-Collinsville Middle
First Academy
First Colonial High
Fishburn Park Elem
Flat Rock Elem
Flatwoods Elem
Flint Hill Elem
Florence Bowser Elem
Floris Elem
Floyd County High
Floyd Elem
Floyd Kellam High
Floyd T Binns Middle
Fluvanna County High
Fluvanna Middle
Forest Edge Elem
Forest Elem
Forest Glen Middle
Forest Grove Elem
Forest Hills Elem
Forest Middle
Forest Park Academy
Forest Park High
Forestdale Elem
Forestville Elem
Fort Belvoir Elem
Fort Belvoir Upper Elem
Fort Blackmore Primary
Fort Chiswell High
Fort Chiswell Middle
Fort Hunt Elem
Fort Lewis Elem
Fox Mill Elem
Frances Hazel Reid Elem
Francis Asbury Elem
Francis C. Hammond Middle
Francis W. Jones Magnet Middle
Franconia Elem
Frank W. Cox High
Franklin County High
Franklin High
Franklin Middle
Franklin Military Academy
Fred M. Lynn Middle
Frederick County Middle
Frederick Douglass Elem
Frederick Douglass Elem
Freedom High
Freedom High
Freedom Hill Elem
Freedom Middle
Freeman High
Fresh Start Center
Fries Elem
Frost Middle
Ft Defiance High
Fulks Run Elem
Fw Kling Jr Elem
G A Treakle Elem
G.H. Reid Elem
G.L.H. Johnson Elem
G.W. Carver Elem
G.W. Carver Elem
Gainesboro Elem
Gainesville High
Gainesville Middle
Galax Elem
Galax High
Galax Middle
Galbreath-Marshall Bldg
Galileo Magnet High
Gar-Field High
Garden City Elem
Garfield Elem
Garland R. Quarles Elem
Garrisonville Elem
Gate City High
Gate City Middle
Gateway Academy
Gatewood Academy
Gayton Elem
General Academic Development
General Stanford Elem
Generating Recovery Of Academic Direction
George Carr Round Elem
George G. Tyler Elem
George J. Mcintosh Elem
George M. Hampton Middle
George Mason Elem
George P Phenix Elem
George P. Mullen Elem
George W Carver Int
George W. Carver Elem
George W. Watkins Elem
George Washington High
George Washington Middle
George Wythe High
George Wythe High
Georgetown Primary
Georgie D. Tyler Middle
Ghent School
Gilbert Linkous Elem
Giles County Tech. Center
Giles High
Ginter Park Elem
Glade Hill Elem
Glade Spring Middle
Gladesboro Elem
Gladeville Elem
Glasgow Middle
Glebe Elem
Glen Allen Elem
Glen Allen High
Glen Cove Elem
Glen Forest Elem
Glen Lea Elem
Glenkirk Elem
Glenvar Elem
Glenvar High
Glenvar Middle
Glenwood Elem
Gloucester & Mathews Counties Gov’S Health Science Academy
Gloucester High
Godwin High
Goochland Elem
Goochland High
Goochland Middle
Goodview Elem
Gordon-Barbour Elem
Goshen Post Elem
Gov Stem Academy At Landstown High
Gov Stem Academy At The Burton Center
Gov. Sch. For The Arts
Gov. Sch. Global Economics/Tech.
Governor’S Academy For Cte In Arlington
Governor’S Health Science Academy
Governor’S Health Sciences Academy
Governor’S Stem Academy At Osburn High School
Governors Career And Technical Academy For Engineering Studi
Grace E. Metz Middle
Grace Miller Elem
Grafton Bethel Elem
Grafton High
Grafton Middle
Grafton Village Elem
Graham High
Graham Intermediate
Graham Middle
Graham Park Middle
Graham Road Elem
Granby Elem
Granby High
Grandin Court Elem
Grange Hall Elem
Grassfield Elem
Grassfield High
Grassfield High School Governor’S Stem Academy
Grayson Co. High Career & Tech. Ed.
Grayson County High
Grayson Highlands
Great Bridge High
Great Bridge Int
Great Bridge Middle
Great Bridge Primary
Great Falls Elem
Great Neck Middle
Greater Peninsula Governor’S Stem Academy
Green Run Collegiate
Green Run Elem
Green Run High
Green Valley Elem
Greenbriar East Elem
Greenbriar West Elem
Greenbrier Elem
Greenbrier Int.
Greenbrier Middle
Greenbrier Primary
Greendale Elem
Greene Co. Technical Ed. Ctr.
Greenfield Elem
Greenfield Elem
Greensville County High
Greensville Elem
Greenville Elem
Greenwood Elem
Greenwood Mill Elem
Gretna Elem
Gretna High
Gretna Middle
Grove Park Preschool
Groveton Elem
Grundy High
Guilford Elem
Gunston Elem
Gunston Middle
Guy K Stump Elem
H.H. Poole Middle
H.M. Pearson Elem
Halifax County High
Halifax County Middle
Halley Elem
Hamilton Elem
Hamilton Holmes Middle
Hampton City Public Schools Gov Health Sciences Academy
Hampton High
Hampton Oaks Elem
Hampton Pub.Schs Architecture & Applied Arts Gov. Stem Acad
Hanover High
Hardin Reynolds Memorial School
Harding Avenue Elem
Hardison Governor’S Health Sciences Academy
Hardy Elem
Harmony Middle
Harper Park Middle
Harrington Waddell Elem
Harrison Road Elem
Harrisonburg High
Harrisonburg Hs Governor’S Stem Academy
Harrowgate Elem
Harry E. James Elem
Hartwood Elem
Harvie Elem
Haycock Elem
Hayfield Elem
Hayfield Secondary
Haymarket Elem
Hb Woodlawn Secondary Prgm.
Henderson Middle
Henrico High
Henrico Juvenile Detention Home – James River
Henry Clay Elem
Henry Elem
Henry Marsh Iii Elem
Herbert J. Saunders Middle
Heritage Elem
Heritage High
Heritage High
Heritage High
Heritage High School Governor’S Stem Academy
Herman L. Horn Elem
Hermitage Elem
Hermitage High
Herndon Elem
Herndon High
Herndon Middle
Hickory Elem
Hickory High
Hickory Middle
Hidden Valley High
Hidden Valley Middle
Hidenwood Elem
High Point Elem
Highland Elem
Highland High
Highland Park Elem
Highland Springs Elem
Highland Springs High
Highland View Elem
Highlands Juvenile Detention Home
Hilda J. Barbour Elem
Hillpoint Elem
Hillsboro Charter Academy
Hillside Elem
Hillsville Elem
Hilton Elem
Hilton Elem
Hodges Manor Elem
Hoffman-Boston Elem
Holladay Elem
Holland Elem
Hollin Meadows Elem
Hollymead Elem
Holman Middle
Holmes Middle
Holston High
Homer L. Hines Middle
Honaker Elem
Honaker High
Honey Run Elem
Hopewell High
Hopkins Road Elem
Horizon Elem
Hovatter Elem
Huddleston Elem
Hugh Mercer Elem
Hughes Middle
Hugo A Owens Middle
Huguenot High
Hungary Creek Middle
Hunt Valley Elem
Hunter B Andrews
Hunters Woods Elem
Huntington Middle
Hurley Elem/Middle
Hurley High
Hurt Park Elem
Hutchison Elem
Hutchison Farm Elem
Hybla Valley Elem
I.C. Norcom High
Independence Elem
Independence High
Independence Middle
Independence Middle
Independence Nontraditional – High School
Independence Nontraditional Center
Independence Nontraditional School – Middle
Indian Hollow Elem
Indian Lakes Elem
Indian River High
Indian River Middle
Indian Valley Elem
Ingleside Elem
Innovation Elem
Integration Station
Interagency Alt. Sec. Ctr
Irving Middle
Iseap Prgm
Island Creek Elem
J A Chalkley Elem
J B Watkins Elem
J Blaine Blayton Elem
J G Hening Elem
J Michael Lunsford Middle
J. Frank Hillyard Middle
J. Lupton Simpson Middle
J.B. Fisher Elem
J.E.J. Moore Middle
J.I. Burton High
J.L. Francis Elem
J.W. Adams Combined
J.W. Alvey Elem
Jack Jouett Middle
Jackson Memorial Elem
Jackson Middle
Jackson P Burley Middle
Jackson River Gov. Sch.
Jackson River Tech Ctr
Jackson-Via Elem
Jacobs Road Elem
Jacox Elem
James Blair Middle
James G. Brumfield Elem
James H. Cary Intermediate
James K Polk Elem
James Madison Middle
James Monroe Elem
James Monroe High
James River Elem
James River High
James River High
James S Russell Middle
James Wood High
James Wood Middle
Jamestown Elem
Jamestown High
Jane H. Bryan Elem
Jefferson Forest High
Jefferson Middle
Jefferson-Houston Pk-8
Jennie Dean Elem
Jessie Thackrey Preschool
Jeter-Watson Intermediate
John Adams Elem
John B. Cary Elem
John B. Dey Elem
John C. Myers Elem
John Champe Hs
John D. Jenkins Elem
John F. Kennedy Middle
John F. Pattie Sr. Elem
John Handley High
John J. Wright Ed. And Cultural Ctr.
John Kerr Elem
John L. Hurt Elem
John M. Gandy Elem
John Marshall Early Childhood Ctr
John Marshall High
John N. Dalton Int.
John P. Fishwick Middle
John S. Battle High
John W. Tolbert Jr. Elem
John W. Wayland Elem
John Yeates Middle
Johnson Elem
Johnson Elem
Johnson Middle
Johnson-Williams Middle
Jolliff Middle
Jonesville Middle
Jordan Springs Elem
Joseph B. Johnson Lrng. Ctr.
Joseph H. Saunders Elem
Joseph P. King Jr. Middle
Joseph T Henley Middle
Joseph Van Pelt Elem
Jouett Elem
Justice High
Kaechele Elem
Kate Collins Middle
Kate Waller Barrett Elem
Katherine Johnson Elem
Kecoughtan High
Keene Mill Elem
Kegotank Elem
Keister Elem
Kempsville Elem
Kempsville High
Kempsville Meadows Elem
Kempsville Middle
Kenbridge Elem
Kenmore Middle
Kenneth W Culbert Elem
Kent Gardens Elem
Kentuck Elem
Kerrydale Elem
Kersey Creek Elem
Kettle Run High Sch
Key Center
Key Elem
Key Middle
Kilby Shores Elem
Kilmer Center
Kilmer Middle
Kiln Creek Elem
King & Queen Elem
King George Elem
King George High
King George Middle
King William High
King’S Fork High
King’S Fork Middle
King’S Grant Elem
Kings Daughters Hosp. Ep.
Kings Glen Elem
Kings Park Elem
Kingston Elem
Kipps Elem
Kiptopeke Elem
Knollwood Meadows Elem
Kyle R. Wilson Elem
L. Douglas Wilder Middle
L.F. Addington Middle
L.F. Palmer Elem
L.L. Beazley Elem
Laburnum Elem
Lacey Spring Elem
Lacrosse Elem
Lafayette Elem
Lafayette High
Lake Anne Elem
Lake Braddock Secondary
Lake Ridge Elem
Lake Ridge Middle
Lake Taylor
Lake Taylor High
Lakeland High
Lakemont Elem
Lakeside Elem
Lakeside Middle
Lakeview Elem
Lakeview Elem
Lancaster High
Lancaster Middle
Lancaster Primary
Landstown Elem
Landstown High
Landstown Middle
Lane Elem
Langley High
Langston High Continuation Prgm.
Larchmont Elem
Larkspur Middle
Larrymore Elem
Laurel Elem
Laurel Hill Elem
Laurel Lane Elem
Laurel Meadow Elem
Laurel Park Middle
Laurel Regional Special Ed Ctr
Laurel Ridge Elem
Lawson-Marriott Elem
Lebanon Elem
Lebanon High
Lebanon Middle
Lebanon Primary
Lee County Career & Tech. Center
Lee Hall Early Childhood Center
Lee High
Lee Hill Elem
Lee M. Waid Elem
Lees Corner Elem
Leesburg Elem
Leesville Road Elem
Leesylvania Elem
Legacy Elem
Lemon Road Elem
Leslie Fox Keyser Elem
Leslie H Walton Middle
Lewis & Clark Elem
Lewis High
Liberty Elem
Liberty High
Liberty High
Liberty Middle
Liberty Middle
Liberty Middle
Lightfoot Elem
Lightridge High
Lincoln Elem
Lincoln Terrace Elem
Lindenwood Elem
Linkhorn Park Elem
Linkhorne Elem
Linkhorne Middle
Linville-Edom Elem
Linwood Holton Elem
Little Creek Elem
Little River Elem
Little Run Elem
Livingston Elem
Lloyd C Bird High
Loch Lomond Elem
Locust Grove Elem
Locust Grove Middle
Locust Grove Primary
Lois Hornsby Middle
London Towne Elem
Long Branch Elem
Longan Elem
Longdale Elem
Longfellow Middle
Lord Botetourt High
Lorton Station Elem
Loudoun Co. Juvenile Detention Home
Loudoun County High
Loudoun Valley High
Louisa County High
Louisa County Middle
Louise A. Benton Middle
Louise Archer Elem
Lovettsville Elem
Lowes Island Elem
Lucille M. Brown Middle
Lucketts Elem
Lucy Addison Aerospace Magnet Middle
Lugo-Mcginness Academy
Lunenburg Middle
Luray Elem
Luray High
Luray Middle
Luther P. Jackson Middle
Luther W. Machen Elem
Luxford Elem
Lylburn Downing Middle
Lyles-Crouch Elem
Lynbrook Elem
Lynchburg City Secondary Alternative
Lynchburg Juvenile Detention Home
Lynchburg Regional Governor’S Stem Academy
Lynnhaven Elem
Lynnhaven Middle
Mack Benn Jr. Elem
Mackey-Thompson Learning Center
Macy Mcclaugherty Combined
Madison Alternative
Madison County High
Madison Elem
Madison Heights Elem
Madison High
Madison Primary
Madison’S Trust Elem
Maggie L. Walker Gov. Sch.
Magna Vista High
Magruder Elem
Malibu Elem
Manassas Park Elem
Manassas Park High
Manassas Park Middle
Manchester High
Manchester Middle
Manor High
Mantua Elem
Margaret Beeks Elem
Margaret Brent Elem
Margaret M. Pierce Elem
Marguerite F Christian Elem
Marion Elem
Marion Middle
Marion Senior High
Marshall Governor’S Stem Academy
Marshall High
Marshall High School Academy
Marshall Middle
Marshall Road Elem
Martin Luther King Jr Early Learning Center
Martin Luther King Jr. Elem
Martin Luther King Jr. Middle
Martinsville High
Martinsville Middle
Marumsco Hills Elem
Mary Calcott Elem
Mary Carr Greer Elem
Mary Ellen Henderson Middle
Mary G. Porter Traditional
Mary Munford Elem
Mary Passage Middle
Mary S. Peake Elem
Mary T. Christian Elem
Mary W. Jackson Elem
Mary Walter Elem
Mary Williams Elem
Mason Crest Elem
Mason’S Cove Elem
Massanutten Gov. Sch./Integrated Environ. Sci.
Massanutten Tech Ctr
Massaponax High
Mathews Elem
Mathews High
Matoaca Elem
Matoaca High
Matoaca Middle
Matoaka Elem
Matthew Whaley Elem
Maury High
Maury River Middle
Max Meadows Elem
Maybeury Elem
Mayfield Intermediate
Maymont Pre-K Center
Mccleary Elem
Mcgaheysville Elem
Mcharg Elem
Mclean High
Mcnair Elem
Mcnair Upper Elem
Meadow View Elem
Meadowbrook High
Meadowland Elem
Meadows Of Dan Elem
Meadowview Elem
Meadville Elem
Mechanicsville Elem
Mechanicsville High
Mecklenburg High
Mecklenburg Middle
Meherrin Elem
Meherrin Powellton Elem
Mehfoud Elem
Menchville High
Mercer Middle
Meridian High
Meriwether Lewis Elem
Metompkin Elem
Metro Richmond Alternative Ed
Middle Peninsula Academic Center
Middle Peninsula Juvenile Detention Home
Middleburg Community Charter
Middlesex Elem
Middlesex High
Middletown Elem
Midlothian High
Midlothian Middle
Midway Elem
Miles Jones Elem
Mill Run Elem
Millboro Elem
Millbrook High
Minnieville Elem
Monacan High
Monelison Middle
Moneta Elem
Montclair Elem
Monterey Elem
Montessori Public School Of Arlington
Montevideo Middle
Montgomery Central
Montgomery County Governor’S Stem Academy
Monticello Governor’S Health Sciences Academy
Monticello High
Montrose Elem
Montross Middle
Montvale Elem
Moody Middle
Moorefield Station Elem
Morningside Elem
Mosaic Woods Elem
Moseley Elem
Moss-Nuckols Elem
Moton Early Childhood Center
Mount Eagle Elem
Mount Hermon Preschool Center
Mount Olivet Elem
Mount Vernon Elem
Mount Vernon High
Mount Vernon Woods Elem
Mountain View Elem
Mountain View Elem
Mountain View Elem
Mountain View Elem
Mountain View Elem
Mountain View Elem
Mountain View High
Mountain View High
Mountain View High
Mt View Elem
Mt. Airy Elem
Mt. Daniel Elem
Mt. Pleasant Elem
Mt. Vernon Elem
Mt. Vista Reg. Gov. Sch.
N Virginia Reg Spec Ed Pgm
N.W. ( Northwestern) Regional Juvenile Detention Home
Nandua High
Nandua Middle
Nansemond Parkway Elem
Nansemond River High
Naomi Brooks Elem
Narrows Elem/Mid.
Narrows High
Nathanael Greene Elem
Nathanael Greene Primary
Natural Bridge Elem
Navy Elem
Neabsco Elem
Nelson County High
Nelson Middle
New Bridge Learning Ctr
New Castle Elem
New Directions Alternative H.S. Program
New Directions Center
New Hope Academy
New Horizons Gov. Sch.
New Kent High
New Kent Elem
New Kent Middle
New London Academy Elem
New River Valley Juvenile Detention Home
New Start – Basic Alt. Ctr.
Newington Forest Elem
Newport Academy
Newport News & York County Gov’S Health Sciences Academy
Newport News Juvenile Detention Home
Newsome Park Elem
Newton-Lee Elem
Newtown Elem
Ni River Middle
Nickelsville Elem
Noel C. Taylor Academy At Oakland
Norfolk Alternative High
Norfolk Alternative Middle
Norfolk Highlands Primary
Norfolk Juvenile Detention Center
Norfolk Technical Ctr
Norge Elem
North Elem
North Elem
North Fork Middle
North Landing Elem
North River Elem
North Springfield Elem
North Stafford High
North Star Early Childhood Education Center
Northampton High
Northampton Middle
Northern Neck Gov Stem Academy/Agric & Maritime Studies
Northern Neck Regional Alternative Ed
Northern Neck Technical Center
Northern Shores Elem
Northern Va. Tr. Ctr. E.P
Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Home
Northside High
Northside Middle
Northside Middle
Northumberland Elem
Northumberland High
Northumberland Middle
Northwestern Reg Ed Pgm
Northwood High
Northwood Middle
Norton Elem
Norview Elem
Norview High
Norview Middle
Nottingham Elem
Nottoway Elem
Nottoway High
Nottoway Intermediate
Nottoway Middle
Nuckols Farm Elem
O B Gates Elem
O. Trent Bonner Middle
Oak Grove Elem
Oak Grove/Bellemeade Elem
Oak Hill Elem
Oak Knoll Middle
Oak Point Elem
Oak Street Elem
Oak View Elem
Oakland Elem
Oakland Elem
Oakridge Elem
Oakton Elem
Oakton High
Occohannock Elem
Occoquan Elem
Ocean Lakes Elem
Ocean Lakes High
Ocean View Elem
Oceanair Elem
Old Bridge Elem
Old Donation School
Old Hundred Elem
Olde Creek Elem
Olive Branch Preschool Ctr
Oliver C. Greenwood Elem
Open High
Orange Co. High
Orange Elem
Orange Hunt Elem
Orchard View Elem
Osbourn High
Osbourn Park High
Oscar F Smith High
Oscar Smith Middle
Otter River Elem
Ottobine Elem
Overby-Sheppard Elem
P.B. Smith Elem
P.B. Young Sr. Elem
Pace Academy
Page County High
Page County Middle
Page County Technical Ctr.
Page Middle
Park Avenue Elem
Park Ridge Elem
Park View Elem
Park View High
Park View High
Park View Middle
Parklawn Elem
Parkside Elem
Parkside Middle
Parkway Elem
Parry Mccluer High
Parry Mccluer Middle
Patrick Copeland Elem
Patrick County High
Patrick Henry Elem
Patrick Henry High
Patrick Henry High
Patrick Henry High
Patrick Henry K-8
Patrick Henry School Of Science And Arts
Patrick Springs Prim
Patriot High
Paul Burbank Elem
Paul Laurence Dunbar Mid. For Innov.
Paul Munro Elem
Peak View Elem
Pearl Sample Elem
Pearson’S Corner Elem
Peasley Middle
Pemberton Elem
Pembroke Elem
Pembroke Meadows Elem
Penn Forest Elem
Pennington Middle
Pennington Traditional
Perrymont Elem
Peter Muhlenberg Middle
Petersburg High
Petersburg Regional Alternative
Petsworth Elem
Phenix Elem
Phillips Elem
Phoebus High
Phoenix Center
Phoenix Center For Innovative Learning
Piedmont Alternative
Piedmont Gov. Sch. For Math./Sci./Tech.
Piedmont Reg Ed/Ivy Creek
Piedmont Regional Juvenile Detention Center
Pimmit Ec Resource Ctr
Pinchbeck Elem
Pine Spring Elem
Pinebrook Elem
Piney Branch Elem
Pittsylvania Voc.-Tech. Ctr.
Plains Elem
Plaza Middle
Pleasant Valley Elem
Pleasants Lane Elem
Plum Center For Lifelong Learning
Pocahontas Elem
Pocahontas Middle
Poe Middle
Point O’ View Elem
Point Option Alternative
Pole Green Elem
Poplar Tree Elem
Poquoson Elem
Poquoson High
Poquoson Middle
Poquoson Primary
Portlock Primary
Post Oak Middle
Potomac Elem
Potomac Falls High
Potomac High
Potomac Middle
Potomac Shores Middle
Potomac View Elem
Potowmack Elem
Powell Elem
Powhatan Elem
Powhatan High
Powhatan Middle
Powhatan Voc. Center
Pre-School Dev. Center
Preston Park Elem
Prices Fork Elem
Prince Edward Co. Voc. Tech.
Prince Edward County High
Prince Edward Elem
Prince Edward Middle
Prince George High
Prince William Juv. Detention Home
Princess Anne Elem
Princess Anne High
Princess Anne Middle
Project Bridge/Russell Co
Project Renew/Northampton Co
Project Return/Fluvanna Co
Project Return/Powhatan Co
Prospect Heights Middle
Providence Elem
Providence Elem
Providence Elem
Providence Middle
Pulaski Governor’S Stem Academy
Pulaski County Middle
Pulaski County Sr. High
Pulaski Elem
Pulley Career Center
Pungoteague Elem
Quander Road School
Queens Lake Middle
Quest Alternative Education Program
Quinton Elem
Quioccasin Middle
R. Dean Kilby Elem
Radford High
Randolph Elem
Randolph Elem
Randolph-Henry High
Rappahannock Co. High
Rappahannock County Elem
Rappahannock High
Rappahannock Juvenile Detention Home
Ratcliffe Elem
Ravensworth Elem
Read Mountain Middle
Real Special Ed. Ctr.
Reams Road Elem
Red Hill Elem
Red Mill Elem
Red Oak-Sturgeon Elem
Redbud Run Elem
Redirection Alt. Ed.
Reg Alt Ed Center/Buena Vista
Reg Alternative Plus Self Project/Roanoke City
Regional Alternative Ed/Stafford Co
Regional Alternative/Pittslvania Co
Regional Alternative/Wythe Co
Regional Learning Academy/Wise Co
Rena B Wright Primary
Renaissance/Scott Co
Ressie Jeffries Elem
Rhea Valley Elem
Rich Acres Elem
Rich Valley Elem
Richard Bowling Elem
Richard C. Haydon Elem
Richard T. Yates Elem
Richlands Elem
Richlands High
Richlands Middle
Richmond Acceleration Prgm.
Richmond Alternative
Richmond Career Education & Employment
Richmond Community High
Richmond County Elem
Richmond Hospital Ep.
Richmond Juvenile Detention Home
Richmond Technical Center
Richneck Elem
Ridge Elem
Ridgeview High
Ridgeview Middle
Rippon Middle
Rising Star Early Childhood Education Center At Melchers
River Bend Elem
River Bend Middle
River City Middle
River Oaks Elem
Riverbend High
Riverdale Elem
Riverheads Elem
Riverheads High
Riverlawn Elem
Rivers Edge Elem
Riverside Elem
Riverside Elem
Riverside High
Riverview Elem
Riverview Elem/Middle
Roanoke Academy For Math & Science Elem
Roanoke Valley Gov. Sch.
Roanoke Valley Juvenile Detention Home
Robert E. Aylor Middle
Robert S. Payne Elem
Robinson Secondary
Robious Elem
Robious Middle
Rock Ridge High
Rockbridge County High
Rockfish River Elem
Rockhill Elem
Rockledge Elem
Rocky Mount Elem
Rocky Run Elem
Rocky Run Middle
Rodney E. Thompson Middle
Rolfe Middle
Rolling Ridge Elem
Rolling Valley Elem
Ronald Wilson Reagan Middle
Rosa Lee Carter Elem
Rosa Parks Elem
Rose Hill Elem
Rose Hill Elem
Rosemont Elem
Rosemont Forest Elem
Round Hill Elem
Round Hill Elem
Rowanty Vocational Tech Ctr
Ruckersville Elem
Ruffner Middle
Rural Point Elem
Rural Retreat Elem
Rural Retreat High
Rural Retreat Middle
Russell County Voc.
Rustburg Elem
Rustburg High
Rustburg Middle
Rye Cove High
Rye Cove Intermediate
S Gordon Stewart Middle
S.P. Morton Elem
Salem Church Elem
Salem Church Middle
Salem Elem
Salem Elem
Salem High
Salem High
Salem Middle
Saltville Elem
Samuel L. Gravely Jr. Elem Sch
Samuel P. Langley Elem
Samuel W Tucker Elem
Sandburg Middle
Sanders Corner Elem
Sandlick Elem
Sandston Elem
Sandusky Elem
Sandusky Middle
Sandy Hook Elem
Sangster Elem
Sanville Elem
Saratoga Elem
Schoolfield Elem
Scott County Career And Technical Center
Scott Memorial Middle
Scottsburg Elem
Scottsville Elem
Seaford Elem
Sealston Elem
Seatack Elem An Achievable Dream Academy
Sedgefield Elem
Seldens Landing Elem
Seneca Ridge Middle
Seven Pines Elem
Sewells Point Elem
Shady Grove Elem
Sharon C. Mcauliffe Elem
Sharon Elem
Shawsville Middle
Sheffey Elem
Sheffield Elem
Shelburne Middle
Shelton Park Elem
Shenandoah Elem
Shenandoah Valley Gov. Sch.
Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Detention Home
Sherando High
Sherman Elem
Sherwood Forest Elem
Shirley C. Heim Middle
Shoemaker Elem
Short Pump Elem
Short Pump Middle
Shrevewood Elem
Signal Hill Elem
Signal Knob Middle
Silverbrook Elem
Simonsdale Elem
Sinai Elem
Skipwith Elem
Skyline High
Skyline Middle
Skyline Middle
Sleepy Hollow Elem
Smart’S Mill Middle
Smith Station Elem
Smithfield High
Smithfield Middle
Smithland Elem
Smyth Co. Career & Tech. Ctr.
Snow Creek Elem
Snowville Elem
Sonnie Penn Elem
Sontag Elem
South Anna Elem
South Boston Elem
South Boston/Halifax Early Learning Ctr
South County High
South County Middle
South Elem
South Hill Elem
South Lakes High
South River Elem
South Salem Elem
Southampton Elem
Southampton High
Southampton Middle
Southeastern Elem
Southeastern Va Tr Ctr Ep
Southside Elem
Southside Elem
Southside L.I.N.K. Project/Brunswick Co
Southside Stem Academy At Campostella
Southside Va Training Ctr
Southwest Virginia Gov. Sch.
Southwestern Elem
Southwestern Elem
Southwestern Va Mental Health Institute
Sparrow Road Intermediate
Speedwell Elem
Spiller Elem
Spotswood Elem
Spotswood Elem
Spotswood High
Spotsylvania Career And Tech. Ctr.
Spotsylvania Elem
Spotsylvania High
Spotsylvania Middle
Spring Hill Elem
Spring Run Elem
Springfield Elem
Springfield Estates Elem
Springfield Park Elem
Springwoods Elem
St Paul
St. Charles Elem
St. Clare Walker Middle
St. Helena Elem
St. Paul Elem
Stafford Academy For Technolgy (Stat)
Stafford Elem
Stafford Middle
Stafford Sr. High
Stanley Elem
Stanleytown Elem
Staunton High
Staunton Preschool Programs
Staunton River High
Staunton River Middle
Stem For Life Governor’S Academy
Stenwood Elem
Sterling Elem
Sterling Middle
Steuart W. Weller Elem
Stewartsville Elem
Stone Bridge High
Stone Hill Middle
Stone Middle
Stone Robinson Elem
Stone Spring Elem
Stonehouse Elem
Stonewall Elem
Stonewall Jackson Elem
Stoney Run Elem
Stony Mill Elem
Stony Point Elem
Strasburg High
Stratford Landing Elem
Strawbridge Elem
Stuart Elem
Stuart M. Beville Middle
Stuarts Draft Elem
Stuarts Draft High
Stuarts Draft Middle
Suburban Park Elem
Sudley Elem
Suella G. Ellis Elem
Sugar Grove Elem
Sugarland Elem
Sully Elem
Summer Hill Preschool Center
Sunnyside Elem
Sunrise Valley Elem
Supt’S Region 8 Gov’S Health/Science Academy
Surry County High
Surry Elem
Susie G. Gibson Science And Technology Center
Sussex Central Elem
Sussex Central High
Sussex Central Middle
Sutherland Elem
Swans Creek Elem
Swansboro Elem
Swanson Middle
Swift Creek Elem
Swift Creek Middle
Swords Creek Elem
Sycamore Park Elem
Sycolin Creek Elem
Sydnor Jennings Elem
T Clay Wood Elem
T. Benton Gayle Middle
T. Ryland Sanford Elem
T.C. Miller Elem For Innovat.
Tabb Elem
Tabb High
Tabb Middle
Tallwood Elem
Tallwood High
Tangier Combined
Tanners Creek Elem
Tappahannock Elem
Tarrallton Elem
Taylor Elem
Tazewell Co. Career & Tech. Ctr.
Tazewell High
Tazewell Intermediate
Tazewell Middle
Tazewell Primary
Tech. Ed. & Career Ctr.
Technical & Career Ed. Ctr.
Temperance Elem
Terra Centre Elem
Terraset Elem
Thalia Elem
The Academy Of International Studies At Rosemont
The College And Career Academy At Pruden
The Georgetown School
The Govenors Career And Technical Education Academy For Stem
The Governor’S School @ Innovation Park
The Hanover Ctr. For Trades And Tech.
The Loudoun Governor’S Career & Technical Academy
The Nokesville School
The North Star School
The Northside Preschool
The Regional Community Alternative Ed Continuum
The Renaissance Academy
The T.E.C.H. Center
Thelma Crenshaw Elem
Thirteen Acres Special Ed. Ctr.
Thomas C. Boushall Middle
Thomas C. Mcswain Elem
Thomas Dale High
Thomas Eaton Middle
Thomas Harrison Middle
Thomas Hunter Middle
Thomas Jefferson Elem
Thomas Jefferson Elem
Thomas Jefferson High
Thomas Jefferson High
Thomas Walker High
Thoreau Middle
Thornburg Middle
Thoroughgood Elem
Three Chopt Elem
Three Oaks Elem
Thurgood Marshall Elem
Thurgood Marshall Elem
Tidewater Juvenile Detention Home – Chesapeake
Tidewater Park Elem
Tidewater Regional Alternative Ed Project
Timber Lane Elem
Toano Middle
Tomahawk Creek Middle
Tomahawk Elem
Totaro Elem
Traep – Chesapeake
Traep – Suffolk
Trailside Middle
Transition Support Resource Center/Fairfax
Trantwood Elem
Trevilians Elem
Trevvett Elem
Triangle Elem
Triplett Business & Tech.
Troutville Elem
Truitt Intermediate
Tuckahoe Elem
Tuckahoe Elem
Tuckahoe Middle
Tucker High
Tunstall High
Tunstall Middle
Turlington Woods Alternative
Turner Ashby High
Turning Point Alt. Ed.
Tuscarora High
Tussing Elem
Twain Middle
Twin Hickory Elem
Twin Springs Elem
Twin Springs High
Twin Valley Elem/Middle
Twin Valley High
Tye River Elem
Union Hall Elem
Union High
Union Middle
Union Mill Elem
Union Primary
Unionville Elem
Unity Braxton Middle
Unity Reed High
Va. Randolph Ed. Ctr
Valley Academy
Valley Career & Technical Center
Valley Elem
Valley Institute Elem
Varina Elem
Varina High
Venable Elem
Vernon Johns Middle
Victoria Elem
Victory Academy
Victory Elem
Victory Elem
Vienna Elem
Virginia Ave. Charlotte Dehart Elem
Virginia Beach Juvenile Detention Home
Virginia Beach Middle
Virginia Heights Elem
Virginia High
Virginia Hills Ec Resource Ctr
Virginia L Murray Elem
Virginia Middle
Virginia Run Elem
Virginia Treatment Ctr.
Vsdb Elementary
Vsdb High
Vsdb Middle
W W Gordon Elem
W.C. Taylor Middle
W.E. Cundiff Elem
W.G. Coleman Elem
W.O. Robey High
W.T. Cooke Elem
W.W. Moore Jr. Juvenile Detention Home
W.W. Robinson Elem
Wakefield Forest Elem
Wakefield High
Walker Upper Elem
Walker-Grant Center
Walker-Grant Middle
Wallace Middle
Waller Mill Elem
Walnut Hill Elem
Walter Herron Taylor Elem
Waples Mill Elem
Ward Elem
Warhill High
Warren County High
Warren County Middle
Warrenton Middle
Warwick High
Wasena Elem
Washington & Lee High
Washington County Career & Technical Education Center
Washington District Elem
Washington Lee Elem
Washington Liberty High
Washington Mill Elem
Washington-Henry Elem
Watauga Elem
Waterford Elem
Waterman Elem
Waterview Elem
Watkins Early Childhood Center
Waverly Yowell Elem
Waxpool Elem
Wayne Hills Ctr
Waynesboro High
Waynewood Elem
Weber City Elem
Weems Elem
Wenonah Elem
West Central Primary
West Gate Elem
West Point Elem
West Point Middle/High
West Potomac High
West Potomac High School Academy
West Salem Elem
West Springfield Elem
West Springfield High
Westbriar Elem
Western Albemarle High
Western Branch High
Western Branch Int
Western Branch Middle
Western Branch Primary
Western St. Hosp. Ed. Pr.
Westfield High
Westgate Elem
Westhaven Elem
Westlawn Elem
Westover Hills Elem
Westridge Elem
Westside Elem
Westside Elem
Westview Early Childhood Ed. Ctr.
Westwood Hills Elem
Westwood Middle
Weyanoke Elem
White Oaks Elem
White Oaks Elem
Whitman Middle
Widewater Elem
Wilbur S. Pence Middle
Wilderness Elem
Willard Middle
Willard Model Elem
William A. Walton Elem
William Byrd High
William Byrd Middle
William Campbell High
William Fleming High
William Fox Elem
William H. Wetsel Middle
William M. Bass Elem
William Mason Cooper Elem
William Monroe High
William Monroe Middle
William Perry Elem
William Ramsay Elem
Williams Elem
Williamsburg Middle
Willis A. Jenkins Elem
Willis Elem
Willoughby Early Childhood Center
Willow Springs Elem
Wilson Elem
Wilson Memorial High
Wilson Middle
Winding Creek Elem
Windsor Elem
Windsor High
Windsor Oaks Elem
Windsor Woods Elem
Windy Gap Elem
Winterpock Elem
Wise Co. Alternative Ed. Ctr.
Wise County Career-Technical Center
Wise Primary
Wm. E. Waters Middle
Wolftrap Elem
Woodberry Hills Elem
Woodbine Pre-School Center
Woodbridge High
Woodbridge Middle
Woodbrook Elem
Woodburn Elem
Woodgrove High
Woodlawn Elem
Woodlawn Pre-School Lrng Ctr.
Woodley Hills Elem
Woodrow Wilson Middle
Woodrow Wilson Rehab Ctr
Woodside Campus
Woodside High
Woodson High
Woodstock Elem
Woodville Elem
Woolridge Elem
Woolwine Elem
Wythe County Tech Center
Yellow Branch Elem
York High
York River Academy
Yorkshire Elem
Yorktown Elem
Yorktown High
Yorktown Middle
Yowell Elem
Yuma Elem
Yvonne B. Miller High School