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Kansas Archives - American Classroom
Schools are listed alphabetically
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21St Century Learning Academy/Kiowa County
500 Reach
Abe Hubert Elementary School
Abilene Elem
Abilene High School
Abilene Middle School
Abilene Virtual School
Ad Astra Virtual Academy
Adams Elem
Adams Elem
Allen Elem
Allison Traditional Magnet Middle
Alma Elementary School
Almena Elem
Alta Brown Elem
Altamont Elem
Altoona-Midway Elementary
Altoona-Midway Middle/High School
Amanda Arnold Elem
Amelia Earhart Elementary School
Andale Elem-Middle
Andale High
Anderson County Jr/Sr High School
Anderson Elem
Andover Central High School
Andover Central Middle School
Andover Ecademy
Andover High
Andover Middle School
Anthony Elem
Anthony Elementary
Apache Elem
Apollo Elementary School
Appanoose Elementary School
Arbor Creek Elementary
Argentine Middle
Argonia Elem
Argonia High
Arkansas City High
Arkansas City Middle Sch
Arrowhead Middle
Ashland Elem
Ashland High
Ashland Junior High School
Atchison County Community Elementary School
Atchison County Community Jr/Sr High
Atchison Elementary School
Atchison High School
Atchison Middle School
Attica High
Aubry Bend Middle School
Auburn Elementary
Augusta Middle School
Augusta Sr High
Avondale Academy
Axtell Elementary School
Axtell High
Baldwin Elementary Intermediate Center
Baldwin Elementary Primary Center
Baldwin High School
Baldwin Junior High School
Banneker Elem
Bartlett Elem
Basehor Elementary School
Basehor-Linwood High School
Basehor-Linwood Middle School
Basehor-Linwood Virtual School
Baxter Springs High
Beech Elem
Beeson Elementary
Belinder Elem
Belle Plaine Elem
Belle Plaine High
Belle Plaine Middle
Belleville East Elementary
Belmont Elementary School
Beloit Elem
Beloit Jr-Sr High
Bennington Elem
Bennington Junior High/High School
Bentley Primary School
Benton Elem
Bentwood Elem
Bernadine Sitts Intermediate Ctr
Berryton Elem
Bertram Caruthers Elem
Beyond The Bell
Bickerdyke Elem
Billy Mills Middle School
Black Bob Elem
Black Traditional Magnet Elem
Blackmore Elementary
Blue Ridge Elem
Blue River Elementary
Blue Valley High
Blue Valley High
Blue Valley Middle
Blue Valley North High
Blue Valley Northwest High
Blue Valley Southwest High School
Blue Valley West High
Bluemont Elementary School
Bluestem Elementary School
Bluestem Jr/Sr High
Bonner Springs Elementary
Bonner Springs High
Bostic Traditional Magnet Elem
Bradley Elem
Brewster Elem
Brewster High
Briarwood Elem
Briarwood Elem
Bridges Academy
Bridges/Wyandot Academy
Broadmoor Elementary
Broken Arrow Elem
Broken Arrow Elem
Brookridge Elem
Brooks Magnet Middle School
Brookwood Elem
Brougham Elem
Bryant Opportunity Academy
Bucklin Elem
Bucklin High
Buckner Performing Arts Magnet Elem
Buffalo Jones Elem
Buhler Elem
Buhler High
Burlingame Elementary
Burlingame Junior/Senior High
Burlington Elementary School
Burlington High
Burlington Middle School 5 – 8
Burrton Elem
Burrton Ms/Hs
C 4 Elem
Caldwell Elem
Caldwell Elem
Caldwell Secondary School
Caldwell Secondary School-Chisholm Trail Elea
California Trail Middle School
Campus High Haysville
Caney Valley Charter Academy
Caney Valley High
Canton-Galva Elementary
Canton-Galva Jr./Sr. High
Canyon Creek Elementary
Capital City
Carbondale Attendance Center
Carl B. Bruce Middle School
Cedar Creek Elem
Cedar Hills Elementary
Cedar Vale Elem
Cedar Vale High
Central Elem
Central Elem
Central Elem
Central Elem
Central Elem
Central Elem
Central Heights Elem
Central Heights High
Central Jr-Sr High
Central Middle
Central Plains Adult Diploma Program
Central Plains Elementary School – Holyrood
Central Plains Jr. Sr. High School
Central School
Central State Academy
Centralia Elem
Centralia High
Cessna Elem
Challenger Intermediate School
Chanute Elementary School
Chanute Extension Academy
Chanute High
Chaparral Jr/Sr High
Chaparral Virtual School
Chapman Elem
Chapman High
Chapman Middle School
Charles O Stones Intermediate Ctr
Chase County Elementary School
Chase County Junior Senior High School
Chase Elem
Chase High
Chase Middle School
Chelsea Elem
Cheney Elem
Cheney High
Cheney Middle School 6-8
Cherryvale Sr / Middle School
Chetopa Elem
Chetopa High
Cheylin Elementary
Cheylin Jr/Sr High
Chisholm Life Skills Center
Chisholm Middle School
Chisholm Trail Elem
Chisholm Trail Middle School
Christa Mcauliffe Academy
Christa Mcauliffe Elem
Cimarron Elem
Cimarron High
Circle Benton Elementary
Circle Greenwich Elementary
Circle High
Circle Middle School
Circle Oil Hill Elementary
Circle Towanda Elementary
Clark Davidson Elem
Clark Elem
Claude A Huyck Elem
Clay Center Community High
Clay Center Community Middle
Clear Creek Elem
Clearwater Creek Elementary
Clearwater Elementary West
Clearwater High
Clearwater Intermediate – Middle School
Cleaveland Traditional Magnet Elementary
Clifton-Clyde Grade School K-3
Clifton-Clyde Middle School
Clifton-Clyde Sr High
Cloud Elem
Coffeyville Virtual Program
Colby Elem
Colby Middle School
Colby Senior High
Coleman Middle School
College Hill Elem
Columbus High
Colvin Elem
Colwich Elem
Comanche Elem
Comanche Middle School
Community Elementary
Concordia Elementary
Concordia Jr-Sr High
Concordia Middle
Conway Springs High School
Conway Springs Kyle Trueblood
Conway Springs Middle School
Copeland Elem
Cordley Elem
Corinth Elem
Coronado Elem
Cottonwood Elem
Cottonwood Elementary
Cottonwood Elementary School
Cottonwood Elementary School
Cottonwood Point Elementary
Council Grove Elementary School
Council Grove Junior Senior High School
Country View Elem
Countryside Elementary
Crest Elementary
Crest High
Crestview Elem
Cunningham Elem
Cunningham High
Curtis Middle School
D D Eisenhower Middle
Damar Elementary School
David Brewer Elementary
Dayton Creek Elementary School
De Soto High School
Decatur Community Jr/Sr High
Deerfield Elem
Deerfield Elem
Deerfield High
Deerfield Middle School
Delaware Ridge Elementary
Derby High School
Derby Hills Elem
Derby Middle Sch
Derby North Middle School
Derby Virtual School
Dexter Elem
Dexter High
Dighton Elem
Dighton High
Discovery Intermediate School
Dodge City High School
Dodge City Middle School
Dodge Literacy Magnet
Doniphan West Elementary School
Doniphan West Jr/Sr High School
Douglass Elem
Douglass High
Dwight D Eisenhower Middle School
Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary
Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle School
Earhart Environ Magnet Elem
Earl Lawson Early Education Center
East Antioch Elem
East High
Edgerton Elem
Edith Scheuerman Elem
Edna Elem
Education Imagine Academy
Edwardsville Elem
Eisenhower Elem
Eisenhower Elem
Eisenhower Elem
Eisenhower Elem
Eisenhower Elem
Eisenhower Elem
Eisenhower Elementary
Eisenhower High School
Eisenhower Middle School
Eisenhower Middle School
El Dorado High
El Dorado Middle
El Dorado Virtual School
El Paso Elem
Elearn 379 Virtual School
Elk Valley Elementary
Elk Valley High School
Elkhart Elem
Elkhart High
Elkhart Middle School
Ell-Saline Elementary
Ell-Saline Middle/High School
Ellinwood Middle School
Ellinwood Elem
Ellinwood High
Ellis Jr/Sr High
Ellsworth Elem
Ellsworth High
Elmont Elem
Emerson Elem
Emporia High
Emporia Middle School
Enders Stem And Leadership Magnet
Enterprise Elem
Enterprise Elem
Erie Elementary
Erie High School
Eudora Elementary School
Eudora High School
Eudora Middle School
Eudora Schools Virtual Learning
Eugene Ware Elem
Eugene Ware Elem
Eureka Jr/Sr High
Everest Middle
Ewalt Elementary
Explorer Elementary School
F L Schlagle High
Fairfax Learning Center
Fairfield Schools
Fairview Elem
Faris Elementary
Farley Elementary
Field Kindley High
Flinthills High School
Flinthills Intermediate School
Flinthills Middle School
Flinthills Primary School
Florence Wilson Elem
Forest View Elem
Fort Larned Elementary School
Fort Riley Elem
Fort Riley Middle School
Fort Scott Middle School
Fort Scott Sr High
Fowler Elem
Fowler High
Frances Willard Elem
Frances Willard Elem
Frank Layden Elem
Frank Rushton Elem
Frank V Bergman Elem
Frankfort Elem
Frankfort High
Franklin Elem
Frederic Remington High
Fredonia Early Learning Center
Fredonia Jr./Sr. High School
Fredonia Virtual Academy
Freeman Elem
Frontenac Jr. High
Frontenac Sr. High School
Frontier Trail Middle School
Galena High
Galena Middle School
Galesburg Middle School
Gammon Elem
Garden City High School
Garden Plain Elem
Garden Plain High
Gardiner Elem
Gardner Edgerton High
Gardner Elem
Garfield Elem
Garfield Elem
Garfield Elem
Garfield School
Garnett Elementary School
Gc Achieve At J.D. Adams Hall
Geo E Nettels Elem
Georgia Matthews Elem
Gertrude Walker Elem
Girard High
Girard Middle
Glasco Elem
Glasco High
Glenwood Ridge Elementary School
Gloria Willis Middle School
Goddard High
Goddard Middle School
Goessel Elem
Goessel High
Golden Plains Elem
Golden Plains High
Golden Plains Middle
Goodland Jr-Sr. High School
Goodland Virtual School
Gordon Parks Academy
Graber Elementary
Grand Star Elementary
Grandview Elem
Grandview Elem
Grant Elem
Gray Hawk Elementary School
Great Bend High School
Great Bend Middle School
Greeley County Elem School
Greeley County Jr./Sr. High
Greeley Elem
Green Springs Elem
Griffith Elem
Grinnell Grade School
Grinnell Middle School
Guthridge School
Hadley Middle School
Halstead High
Halstead Middle School
Hamilton Elem
Hamilton High
Hamilton Middle School
Hanover Elem
Hanover High
Harmony Elementary
Harmony Middle
Harper Elem
Harry Street Elem
Hartford Jr./Sr. High School
Haven Elem
Haven High
Haven Middle School
Haven Virtual Academy
Havencroft Elem
Haviland Elem
Hays High
Hays Middle School
Haysville Middle School
Haysville West Middle School
Hazel Grove Elem
Healy Elem
Healy High
Heartland Elementary
Heatherstone Elem
Heights High
Heller Elem
Henry Leavenworth
Herington Elem
Herington High
Herington Middle Sch
Heritage Elementary
Hesston Elem
Hesston High
Hesston Middle
Heusner Elem
Hiawatha Elem
Hiawatha Middle School
Hiawatha Sr High
Hickok Elem
Highland Elem
Highland Park Central
Highland Park High
Highlands Elem
Hill City Elem
Hill City Junior-Senior High
Hillcrest Elem
Hillsboro Elem
Hillsboro Middle/High School
Hocker Grove Middle
Hodgeman County Elementary
Hodgeman County High
Hoisington High
Hoisington Middle
Holcomb Elem 3-5
Holcomb High
Holcomb Middle
Holton Elementary School
Holton High
Holton Middle
Hope Elem
Hope High
Hope Street Charter Academy
Horace J. Good Middle School
Horace Mann Dual Language Magnet
Horizon Elementary
Horton Elem
Horton High
Hoxie Elem
Hoxie High
Hugoton Elem
Hugoton High
Hugoton Learning Academy
Hugoton Middle
Humboldt Elementary School
Humboldt High School
Humboldt Middle School
Humboldt Virtual Education
Hutchinson High School
Hutchinson Magnet School At Allen
Hutchinson Middle School 7
Hutchinson Middle School 8
Hutchinson Virtual School
Hyde Intl Studies/Commun Elem Magnet
I X L Elem
Independence Middle
Independence Sr High
Indian Creek Elem
Indian Hills Elementary
Indian Hills Middle
Indian Trail Middle School
Indian Valley Elementary
Indian Woods Middle
Ingalls Elem
Ingalls High School/Junior High
Inman Elem
Inman Jr/Sr High School
Insight School Of Ks At Hilltop Ed Center
Iola High School Virtual
Iola Middle School
Iola Sr High
Irving Elem
Irving Elementary
Isely Traditional Magnet Elem
J C Harmon High
Jackson Elementary
Jackson Heights Elementary School
Jackson Heights High School And Middle School
Jackson Heights Virtual School
Jardine Elementary
Jardine Middle School
Jardine Technology Middle Magnet
Jay Shideler Elementary
Jayhawk Elementary
Jayhawk-Linn High
Jefferson Co North High
Jefferson County North Elem/Middle
Jefferson Elem
Jefferson Elem
Jefferson Elem
Jefferson Elem
Jefferson School
Jefferson West Elementary School
Jefferson West High
Jefferson West Middle
Jennie Barker Elem
Jennie Wilson Elem
John Diemer Elem
John F Kennedy Elem
John Fiske Elem
Junction City Middle School
Junction City Sr High
Junction Elementary
Kanopolis Middle
Kansas Connections Academy
Kansas Online Learning Program
Kansas Virtual Academy (Ksva)
Kathryn O’Loughlin Mccarthy Elem
Kelly Liberal Arts Academy
Kennedy Elem
Kennedy Elem
Kenneth Henderson Middle
Kensler Elem
Kepley Middle School
Kingman Elementary School
Kingman High
Kingman Middle School
Kinsley Jr/Sr High School
Kinsley-Offerle Elementary Pre-K-5
Kiowa County Elem/Jr. High
Kiowa County High School
Kismet Elem
L’Ouverture Computer Technology Magnet
La Crosse Elementary
La Crosse High
La Crosse Middle School
Labette County High School
Lacygne Elem
Lakeside Elem
Lakeside Elementary
Lakeside Junior/Senior High School
Lakewood Elementary
Lakewood Middle
Lakewood Middle School
Lakin Elem
Lakin High
Lakin Middle
Landon Middle School
Langston Hughes Elem
Lansing Elementary School
Lansing High 9-12
Lansing Intermediate School
Lansing Middle 6-8
Larned Middle School
Larned Sr High
Lawrence Elem
Lawrence Free State High
Lawrence Gardner High School
Lawrence High
Lawrence Liberty Memorial Central Mid School
Lawrence Southwest Middle School
Lawrence Virtual School
Lawrence West Middle School
Learning Center
Leavenworth Sr High
Leavenworth Virtual School
Leawood Elementary
Leawood Middle
Lebo Elem
Lebo High
Lecompton Elem
Lee Elem
Lenexa Hills Elementary
Leonard C Seal Elem
Levy Sp Ed Center
Lewis Elem
Lexington Trails Middle School
Liberal Sr High
Liberty Elem
Liberty Middle School
Liberty View Elementary
Lincoln Central Elem
Lincoln Elem
Lincoln Elem
Lincoln Elem
Lincoln Elem
Lincoln Elem
Lincoln Elem
Lincoln Elem
Lincoln Elem
Lincoln Elem
Lincoln Elem
Lincoln Elem
Lincoln Elementary
Lincoln Elementary
Lincoln Elementary School
Lincoln Jr/Sr High
Lincoln Memorial Elem
Lincoln School
Lindbergh Elem
Linn Elem
Linn Elementary
Linn High
Linwood Elementary
Linwood Elementary School
Little River High
Little River Junior High
Logan Ave Elem
Logan Elem
Logan Elementary
Logan High
Long Island Middle School
Louisburg High
Louisburg Middle
Louisburg Virtual Program
Lowell Brune Elementary School
Lowell Elem
Lowman Hill Elem
Ltg Richard J. Seitz Elementary
Lucas/Sylvan Elementary Unified
Lyndon Elem
Lyndon High
Lyons Central Elementary
Lyons High School
Lyons Middle School
Lyons Park Elementary
M E Pearson Elem
Macarthur Elem
Macarthur Elementary School
Macksville Elem
Macksville High
Madison Elem
Madison Elementary
Madison High
Madison Place Elementary
Mahaffie Elem
Maize Central Elementary
Maize Elementary
Maize Intermediate School
Maize Middle School
Maize South Elementary
Maize South High School
Maize South Intermediate School
Maize South Middle School
Maize Sr High
Maize Virtual Preparatory School
Manchester Park Elementary
Manhattan High School West/East Campus
Manhattan Virtual Academy
Maple Hill Elem
Marais Des Cygnes Valley Elem
Marais Des Cygnes Valley High
Marais Des Cygnes Valley Middle
Marion Elem
Marion High
Marion Middle
Marjorie French Middle School
Mark Twain Elem
Marlatt Elem
Marmaton Valley Elem
Marmaton Valley High
Marmaton Valley Virtual School
Marshall Elementary School
Marshall Middle School
Marvin Sisk Middle School
Marysville Elem
Marysville Jr/Sr High
Mayberry Cultural And Fine Arts Magnet Middle
Mccandless Elementary
Mccarter Elem
Mcclure Elem
Mccollom Elem
Mccormick Elementary
Mceachron Elem
Mckinley Elem
Mckinley Elem
Mckinley Elementary School
Mclean Science/Tech Magnet Elem
Mclouth Elem
Mclouth High
Mclouth Middle
Mcpherson High
Mcpherson Middle School
Mead Middle School
Meade Elem
Meade High
Meadow Lane Elem
Meadowlark Elementary
Meadowlark Elementary
Meadowlark Elementary School
Meadowlark Ridge Elem
Meadows Elementary
Meadowview Elem
Medicine Lodge Grade School
Medicine Lodge Jr/Sr High School
Merriam Park Elementary
Midland Trail
Milford Elem
Mill Creek Elem
Mill Creek Middle School
Mill Valley High School
Millbrooke Elementary
Miller Elem
Miltonvale Elem
Miltonvale High
Minneapolis Elementary
Minneapolis Jr-Sr High School
Minneha Core Knowledge Elem
Minneola Elem
Minneola High
Mission Valley Elementary
Mission Trail Elementary
Mission Trail Middle School
Mission Valley Junior And Senior High School
Mize Elementary School
Montezuma Elem
Monticello Trails Middle School
Moonlight Elementary School
Morgan Elementary
Morris Hill Elem
Morse Elementary
Moscow Elem
Moscow High
Mound Valley Elem
Moundridge Elem
Moundridge High
Moundridge Middle
Mueller Aerospace/Engineering Discovery Magne
Mulvane Elem W D Munson
Mulvane Grade School
Mulvane High
Mulvane Middle School
Natoma Elem
Natoma High (6-12)
Nelson Elem
Nemaha Central Elementary And Middle School
Nemaha Central High School
Neodesha High
Neosho Rapids Elementary
Ness City Elem
Ness City High
New Stanley Elem
New York Elem
Newton Sr High
Nickerson Elem
Nickerson High
Nieman Elem
Nike Elementary
Nlc Elementary School
Noble Prentis Elem
North East High
North Elementary
North Fairview
North High
North Lawn Elem
Northeast Elem
Northeast Magnet High School
Northeast Virtual School
Northern Heights
Northern Hills Elementary
Northern Valley High
Northridge Elementary
Northview Elem
Northview Elem
Northwest Elem
Northwest High
Norton High
Norton Jr High
Norwich Elementary School
Norwich High
Norwich Middle School
O K Elem
Oak Grove Elem
Oak Hill Elementary
Oak Park-Carpenter Elementary
Oak Street Elementary School K-4
Oakdale Elem
Oaklawn Elem
Oakley Elem
Oakley Middle School
Oakley Sr High
Oatville Elem
Oberlin Elem
Ogden Elem
Olathe East Sr High
Olathe North Sr High
Olathe Northwest High School
Olathe South Sr High
Olathe Virtual School
Olathe West High School
Oliver Brown Elementary
Olpe Elementary
Olpe Jr./Sr. High School
Onaga Elem
Onaga Senior High
Opportunity Academy
Oregon Trail Middle School
Ortiz Elementary School
Osage City Elem
Osage City High
Osage City Middle School
Osawatomie High
Osawatomie Middle School
Osawatomie Virtual School
Osborne Elem
Osborne Junior/Senior High
Oskaloosa Elem
Oskaloosa Jr-Sr High School
Oswego Junior-Senior High School
Oswego Neosho Hgts Elem
Otis-Bison Elementary
Otis-Bison Junior/Senior High School
Ottawa Middle School
Ottawa Sr High
Ottawa Virtual School
Overbrook Attendance Center
Overland Park Elem
Overland Trail Elementary
Overland Trail Middle
Oxford Elem
Oxford Jr/Sr High
Oxford Middle
Oxford Online Virtual School
Palco High
Palco Jr. High
Paola High
Paola Middle
Park Elem
Park Elem
Park Elementary
Park Hill Elementary
Parker Elem
Parsons Middle School
Parsons Sr High
Patton Jr High
Paul B Cooper Elem
Pauline Central Primary
Pauline South Intermediate
Pawnee Elem
Pawnee Heights
Payne Elem
Peabody-Burns Elementary
Peabody-Burns Jr/Sr High School
Perry Lecompton High
Perry-Lecompton Middle
Peterson Elem
Phillipsburg Elem
Phillipsburg High
Phillipsburg Middle
Pike Valley Elem
Pike Valley High
Pike Valley Jr High
Pinckney Elem
Pioneer Ridge Middle School
Pioneer Trail Middle School
Piper Creek Elementary
Piper High
Piper Middle
Piper Prairie Elementary
Pittsburg High
Pittsburg Middle School
Plains Elem
Plainville Elem
Plainville High
Pleasant Ridge Elem
Pleasant Ridge Elementary
Pleasant Ridge High
Pleasant Ridge Middle
Pleasant Ridge Middle
Pleasant Valley Elem
Pleasant Valley Middle School
Pleasanton Elem
Pleasanton High
Plum Creek Elementary
Plymell Elementary
Point Rock Alternative
Prairie Center Elem
Prairie Creek Elementary
Prairie Creek Elementary
Prairie Elem
Prairie Elementary School
Prairie Heights Elementary School
Prairie Hills Middle
Prairie Park Elem
Prairie Ridge Elementary School
Prairie Star Elementary
Prairie Star Middle
Prairie Trail Middle School
Prairie View Elementary School
Prairie View High
Prairie View Middle
Pratt Learning Center
Pratt Sr High
Pray-Woodman Elementary
Pretty Prairie Elem
Pretty Prairie High
Pretty Prairie Middle
Price-Harris Communications Magnet
Project Finish
Puls Elem
Quail Run Elementary
Quincy Elem
Quindaro Elem
Quinter Elem
Quinter Jr-Sr High
R L Wright Elem
R V Haderlein Elem
Randolph Elem
Randolph Middle
Ravenwood Elementary
Rawlins County Elementary
Rawlins County Jr/Sr High School
Ray Marsh Elem
Raymond Jr High
Regency Place Elementary
Remington Elementary At Potwin
Remington Middle School
Reno Valley Middle School
Republic County Jr./Sr. High School
Rex Elem
Rhein Benninghoven Elem
Richard Warren Intermediate School
Richard Warren Middle School
Ridgeview Elem
Riley County Grade School
Riley County High School
Riley Elem
Rising Star Elem
Riverside Elementary
Riverside High School
Riverside Intermediate
Riverside Leadership Magnet Elementary
Riverside Middle School
Riverside Primary School
Riverside Virtual High School
Riverton Elem
Riverton High
Riverton Middle
Riverview Elementary
Robert E Clark Middle
Robert M. Martin Elementary
Robinson Elem
Robinson Middle School
Robinson Middle School
Rock Creek High School
Rock Creek Middle School
Rock Hills Elementary School
Rock Hills Jr/Sr High School
Rockville Elementary School
Roesland Elem
Rolla Elem (Prek-5)
Rolla Jh/Hs (6-12)
Rolling Ridge Elem
Roosevelt Elem
Roosevelt Elem
Roosevelt Elem
Roosevelt Elementary
Roosevelt Middle
Rose Hill High
Rose Hill Intermediate
Rose Hill Middle
Rose Hill Primary
Rosedale Middle
Rosehill Elem
Ross Elementary
Ross Elementary School
Rossville Elem
Rossville Jr.-Sr. High School
Royal Valley Elementary
Royal Valley High
Royal Valley Middle School
Royster Middle School
Ruppenthal Middle
Rural Center Elem
Rushton Elem
Russell High
Ruth Clark Elementary K-5
Sabetha Elementary School
Sabetha High School
Sabetha Middle School
Salina High Central
Salina High South
Salina South Middle
Salina Virtual Innovation Academy
Santa Fe 5/6 Center
Santa Fe Trail Elem
Santa Fe Trail High
Santa Fe Trail Middle School
Satanta Elem
Satanta Jr-Sr High
Scarborough Elem
Schilling Elem
School For Blind Elementary
School For Blind High
School For Deaf Elementary
School For Deaf High
Schwegler Elem
Scott City High
Scott City Lower Elem
Scott City Middle
Scott Community Learning Center
Scott Dual Language Magnet
Seaman High
Seaman Middle School
Sedan Elem
Sedan High
Sedgwick High
Seltzer Elem
Service Valley Charter Academy
Seymour Rogers Middle School
Sharon Springs Elem
Shawanoe Elem
Shawnee Heights Elem
Shawnee Heights High
Shawnee Heights Middle
Shawnee Mission East High
Shawnee Mission North High
Shawnee Mission Northwest High
Shawnee Mission South High
Shawnee Mission West High
Sheridan Elem
Silver City Elem
Silver Lake Elem
Silver Lake Jr-Sr High
Simpson Elem
Skelly Elementary School
Skyline Elem
Skyline High
Slate Creek Elementary
Smith Center Elem
Smith Center Jr Sr High
Smoky Valley High
Smoky Valley Middle School
Smoky Valley Virtual Charter School
Soderstrom Elem
Solomon Elem
Solomon High
Soule Elementary School
South Barber 7-12
South Barber Pre-K-6
South Breeze Elementary
South Central Elementary School
South Central High School
South Central Middle School
South Gray Community Learning Center
South Gray High
South Gray Jr High
South Haven Elem
South Haven High
South High
South Hutchinson Elem
Southeast Elementary School
Southeast High
Southeast High
Southeast Middle School
Southeast Saline Elem
Southeast Saline High
Southern Coffey County Elementary
Southern Coffey County High School
Southern Coffey County Middle School
Southwest Elem
Southwestern Heights Jr/Sr High
Southwinds Academy
Sowers Alternative High School
Spaght Multimedia Magnet
Spearville Elem
Spearville Jr/Sr High
Spring Grove Primary Center
Spring Hill Elementary School
Spring Hill High School
Spring Hill Middle School
Spring Valley Elementary
St Francis Elem
St Francis High
St George Elem
St John Elem
St John High
St Marys Elem
St. Hosp. Training Center Parsons
St. Marks School
St. Marys Junior Senior High
St. Paul Elementary School
St. Paul High School
St. Paul Middle School
Stafford Elementary
Stafford Middle School/High School
Stanley Elem
Stanley Elementary
Stanton County Elementary
Stanton County Jr./Sr. High School
Starside Elem
State Street Elem
Sterling Grade School
Sterling Junior High/Senior High
Stewart Elem
Stilwell Elementary
Stockton Elem
Stockton High
Stone Creek Elementary
Stony Point North
Stony Point South
Stout Elem
Stucky Middle School
Sublette Elem
Sublette High
Sublette Middle
Sullivan Elem
Summit Trail Middle School
Sumner Academy Of Arts & Science
Sunflower Elem
Sunflower Elem
Sunflower Elementary
Sunflower Elementary
Sunflower Elementary School
Sunflower Elementary School
Sunflower Elementary School
Sunnyside Elem
Sunnyside Elementary School
Sunrise Point Elementary
Sunset Elem
Sunset Elementary
Sunset Hill Elem
Sunset Ridge Elementary
Susan B Anthony Middle School
Swaney Elem
Swenson Early Childhood Education Center
Sylvan-Lucas Unified Jr. Sr
Syracuse Elem
Syracuse High
Tanglewood Elem
Tecumseh North Elem
Tecumseh South Elem
Tescott Elem
Tescott Junior High/High School
Thayer Schools
The Learning Center
Theo Roosevelt Elem
Thomas A Edison Elem
Thunder Ridge Elementary
Thunder Ridge High School
Thunder Ridge Middle School
Timber Creek Elementary School
Timber Sage Elementary School
Timmerman Elementary
Tipton Community School
Tomahawk Elem
Tomahawk Elem
Tonganoxie Elem
Tonganoxie High
Tonganoxie Middle School
Topeka High
Topeka West High
Trail Ridge Middle School
Trailridge Middle
Trailwood Elem
Trego Community High
Trego Grade School
Trojan Elem
Troy Elem
Troy High And Middle School
Truesdell Middle School
Turner Elem
Turner High
Turner Middle School
Turner Sixth Grade Academy
Udall Elem
Udall High
Udall Middle School
Ulysses Community Learning Center (Uclc)
Ulysses High
Union Valley Elem
Uniontown High School
Usd 234 Virtual School
Usd 265 – Goddard Virtual School
Usd 331 Virtual School
Usd 457 Virtual Academy
Usd 508 Eacademy
Valley Center High
Valley Center Intermediate School
Valley Center Middle School
Valley Falls Elem
Valley Falls High
Valley Heights Elem
Valley Heights Elementary – Waterville
Valley Heights Jr/Sr High
Valley Park Elementary
Vermillion Elementary School
Victor Ornelas Elem
Victoria Elementary
Victoria Junior-Senior High School
Village Elem
Virtual Education Program
W A White Elem
Wabaunsee Junior High
Wabaunsee Sr High
Wakefield Elem
Wakefield High
Wallace County High
Walnut Elem
Walnut Grove Elem
Walton Rural Life Center
Wamego High
Wamego High School Virtual School
Wamego Middle School
Wanamaker Elem
Ware Elem
Washburn Rural High
Washburn Rural Middle School
Washington Accelerated Learning Elem
Washington County High School
Washington Elem
Washington Elem
Washington Elem
Washington Elem
Washington Elem
Washington Elementary
Washington High
Waverly Elem
Waverly High
Welborn Elem
Wellington High School
Wellington Middle School
Wellington Virtual School
Wells Alternative Middle School
Wellsville Elem
Wellsville High
Wellsville Middle School
Weskan Elem
Weskan High
West Bourbon Elementary
West Elem
West Elem
West Elementary
West Elk Schools
West Elk Virtual Academy
West Franklin High School
West Franklin Middle School
West High
West Indianola Elem
West Park Elementary School
Western Plains High
Western Plains North Elem
Western Plains South Elem/Jr High
Westmoreland Elem
Westridge Middle
Westside Elem
Westview Elem
Westwood Elem
Westwood View Elem
Wetmore Elementary
Wetmore High
Wheatland Elem
Wheatland Elementary
Wheatland Elementary School
Wheatland High School
Wheatridge Middle School
White City Elem
White City High
White Elem
Whitson Elem
Whittier Elem
Whittier Elem
Wichita Alternative High
Wichita County Elementary
Wichita County Junior-Senior High School
Wichita Learning Center
Wilbur Middle School
Wiley Elem
Wiley Elementary
Williams Science And Fine Arts Magnet School
Williamsburg Elementary School
Wilson Elementary School
Wilson Junior/Senior High School
Windom Elem
Wineteer Elem
Winfield High
Winfield Middle School
Winfield Scott Elem
Winona Elem
Winona High
Wolf Creek Elementary School
Wolf Springs Elementary School
Woodland Elem
Woodland Health / Wellness Magnet Elem
Woodland Spring Middle School
Woodlawn Elem
Woodman Elem
Woodrow Wilson Elem
Woodrow Wilson Elem
Wyandotte High
Yates Center Elem
Yates Center High
Yoder Charter Elem School